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BeBlessed Foundation Mission

To spread blessings — acts of kindness, compassion, and love — through a network of blessors graciously donating their time, treasures, and talent.

Join the network of blessors to spread blessings – acts of kindness, compassion, and love.

Welcome to the BeBlessed Foundation. Our community of blessors are the reason we are able to enrich the lives of those in need of blessings the most. Our blessings come in various forms – from acts of service to monetary aid. Learn more about ways to give here.

blessor (n.) / ‘ble-sär /

A member of the blessor network; a person with a giving heart — who gives back to others without expecting anything in return.

About BeBlessed Foundation

BeBlessed Founder, Jacob Richmann, and his brother Matthew were raised by their parents to have the heart of givers – providing kindness and compassion to those who needed it, without expecting anything in return.  

When Matthew passed away after a 3-year battle with colon cancer, at 41-years of age, it was a combination of that upbringing and a desire to honor his life that inspired Jacob to create the BeBlessed Foundation. Jacob had tried to throw himself back into doing what he knew, working, to deal with the grief and pain of his loss but he was challenged by a friend when they asked him: “How are you going to honor your brother?” At first it was a marathon, a physical achievement, but with persistent encouragement of a friend, it grew into more and God revealed to Jacob how he could create something that could honor his brother and their relationship while making an impact on others.

The BeBlessed Foundation was born to honor the way that Matthew and Jacob were raised, with giving hearts. Jacob felt there were many people out there who could benefit from pure acts of kindness. Jacob has a huge heart for giving and this was a way to set Blessings in motion to better people’s lives and communities, bridge gaps, and make the world a better place through showing love and compassion to others.

The BeBlessed Foundation’s goal is to make an impact through blessing individuals, families, communities and organizations in need. The Foundation achieves this through teaching, training, and equipping others to give their time, resources, finances, and skills. Blessing others is a trained action, it takes time, thought and the right heart. Be a part of the BeBlessed movement by going above and beyond to share with others your time, talent and treasure.

Our blessings come in various forms – from acts of service to monetary aid. You can be a part of making our world a better place one blessing at a time.

Learn more about ways to give here.